Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Enforced writing!

I have been putting all my time into the physical and none into the intellectual! My days have been filled with work and exercise and I have been too exhausted to have an original thought. I did manage to read Audrey Niffenegger's second book - excellent but nowhere near as good as The Time Traveller's Wife. I found the ending disappointing and there was little suspense....you could guess what was going to happen before it did.  Still lovely words but really it would have been impossible to ever compete with TTTW - it is the most beautiful work.

You may remember I decided to embrace my Queen Bitchiness and read the riot act to someone, well-deserved but still an insult. We had a Mexican stand-off with neither prepared to back down- really nothing had changed apart from I didn't communicate...but he just continued as before. I at least admitted I was pissed whereas St Pancreas maintained he was not. Mayhap he is a Saint! If I was of religious bent then I should start to worry about an eternity in purgatory.  Thank goodness I am not! Well, we are working on a truce. So we will see if an armistice occurs on Sunday. We've agreed to meet but now we await a decision on  location and time....from the person I abused for never replying to texts.....hmm. I laugh! Ha ha ha! Oh well maybe I can introduce this into my novel. My new ethos is "Don't piss me off or you'll end up in my novel!"

On the subject of religious bent....Telecom's new ad really pisses me off! As a small child I regularly attended church with my Grandparents and one song was drilled into my head (well two...I tend to sing Rock of Ages under times of stress!) ...this little light of mine. It stuck in my head and I would frequently have it floating around in my head.  Only years of Green Day and Lily Allen had permanently removed it.....and now Telecom has put it back into my cerebral cortex! 

Anyway Queen bitch and religious rantings aside, I decided, based on the advice of my Guru Gordon Wells, to at least try to write a little today and whoopee....1095 words! Rosie had a monologue in the mirror while straightening her hair. She worked out where her life was going, what she'd do and how she'd cope when she had lapses in fighting her addiction to the Tiger. She ended up with gorgeous hair and a much stronger frame of mind.  Go Rosie! And she decided to wear red lipstick always!

Today's beautiful word
Elixir   A good potion.

Today's word count: 1095 words
Total word count: 29139 words

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