Monday, September 14, 2009

Sunshine writing!

It is a glorious day today and I spend over an hour and a half out on the deck writing. I'd have stayed out longer but the battery on my laptop is not up to it! Still, what could be nicer than enjoying the sun, listening to cool tunes, drinking chai tea and writing about love!

I flowed like a really flowy thing. 1257 words! And there will be more but not with the sun on my back :-(  . Things are just coming together! The main male has floated through, acting as a mentor to the heroine. He is strong, dependable...why can't she see him! But then why can't he see her?

Another 1328 words rolled out! A change in the air. A new start? I've been writing all over the place. I'm now working in a more chronological order. One of the antagonist has stomped off into the sunset...or roared off in his Porsche. The mentor is not answering his phone, the best friend has hers turned off? How will comfort the heroine? Time for the Tiger to make a play ...or is he just a friend? Who knows...not me! He's a devil that Tiger...doesn't play by the rules!

Today's beautiful word
Denouement The resolution of a mystery

Today's word count: 2585 words
Total word count: 13474 words 

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