Thursday, October 15, 2009

She's back!

I'm back! I battled with the demons of procrastination and managed to at least wing them enough to get some more writing done! Now I just need to keep it up! I may need to beg or cajole someone into taking me to some of the local watering spots to observe modern mating behaviours....or I could just watch TV 'cos that's just like real life isn't it?

I'm quite happy with the way things are currently going  which is of course the cue for one of the characters to mutiny! My money is on James deciding he's gay but there may be a twist and Nick might come out! I'm hoping neither because it does sort of put a damper on the story line!

Anyway, I got an extra 459 words down - Not bad for someone who would rather clean the toilet than face the empty page! Oh what a cruel task master my muse is!

Today's word count: 1542 words
Total word count: 17801 words

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